Physical Health
Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness resources - Coming SoonPhysical Complications
Postpartum preeclampsia is associated with high blood pressure after birth. Preeclampsia is common throughout pregnancy, but what most women don’t know is that they can experience it up to six weeks after birth.
Infection is a serious complication to have postpartum. A mother is in her most vulnerable state and infection can slow the healing process down severely since the immune system is compromised.
Bleeding is normal after birth, however, when heavy bleeding occurs for more than three consecutive hours, it is likely you are experiencing a hemorrhage. This can throw your body into shock where your organs do not get enough blood.
Postpartum stroke is associated with high blood pressure and may occur within the first 12 weeks after birth. This is when there is bleeding in the brain and it creates a blood clot.
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Postpartum AFE occurs when amniotic fluid enters the bloodstream right after work. This leads to a lack of oxygenated blood in the body in replacement with amniotic fluid.
Beaumont Health. (n.d.). Common Postpartum Complications | Beaumont Health. Retrieved from website: Link
Detroit Medical Center. (n.d.). Romper: Breaking Down The Different Types Of Postpartum Infections. Retrieved from DMC Hospital website: Link
March of Dimes. (n.d.-a). Postpartum hemorrhage. Retrieved from website: Link
March of Dimes. (n.d.-b). Warning signs of postpartum health problems. Retrieved July 20, 2023, from website: Link